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Hard at work Tuition offers Tutoring on a variety of subjects including Maths, English Literature & Language and Modern Foreign Languages, contact us for more information.
What They Say
Online Learning and the COVID19 Crisis
During the current crisis it is more important than ever that children maintain a learning structure similar to when they attend school.The disruption to all students has been difficult and worrying for many students and, in particular, those entering or studying KS3 and KS4. At such an important time in their educational career it is essential that students maintain their focus and know that the support is there for them to maintain excellent standards in their education.
Meet Some of Our Tutors From Around The UK
Our Tutors
All our tutors are highly qualified and competent, with the majority actively teaching in schools in England. Tutors hold up-to-date DBSMs. Burahee
Teaching English is also a means to teach a…
Ms. Mohammed
I am a highly qualified individual who studied...
Mr. Trevelyon
I am a language graduate who has gained a…
Ms. Costara
I am currently studying Biomedical Science at the...